Saturday 6 December 2008

AGM Minutes - November 2008

Surrey Gardens AGM 2008
Tuesday 11 November

In attendance: Briony, Tricia, Simon, Emily, Mary, Marcus, Joanna, Melissa, John, Jenny, Alhaji, Sue, Ada, Cath, Katy, Tony

We were visited by The Newington Safer Neighbourhoods Team from the Metropolitan Police – PC Michael Lulu, PC Paul Thorley, PCSO Coral Capell, PCSO Natalie Richards, PCSO Luke Sinclair-Bell. They told the TRA about the fact that the safer teams initiative had been set up to make connections with the community and prevent crime.

Areas of responsibility include: non-emergency concerns, Antisocial behaviour, DPPA (drinking in public places), mopeds, post-burglary visits and support for vulnerable residents (including help with installing anti-crime measures for these residents).

Number to contact team: 020 8721 2437

2. Approval of last year’s minutes
Minutes were read and approved by committee and attending residents.

3. Chair’s Report
Chair reported that it had been a quiet year, though we had organised a new game and a roundabout in the Square which has been well used. Chair also observed that the TRA was much in need of new members and a wider reach in the community.

4. Treasurers’ Report
Treasurer reported that after 2008 expenditure of summer picnic, new play equipment and insurance for the Sq, we have £1462.56 remaining. We are currently expecting a reimbursement of the insurance of £1645.81 which would leave us with £3104.07 to spend in 2009

5. Elections for 2009
The old officers stood down.

Emily nominated Tony for Chair, Katy seconded and it was approved
Tony proposed Sue as Vice Chair, Emily seconded and it was approved
Tricia nominated Katy as Secretary, Briony seconded and it was approved
Tricia nominated Cath as Treasurer, John seconded and it was approved

Members nominated and approved: Briony, Tricia, Simon, Emily, Mary, Marcus, Joanna, Melissa, John, Jenny, Alhaji, Ada

6. AOB – Lorrimore Sq
Tony told the committee that he and Marcus had been petitioning the council to help get Lorrimore Sq garden listed as a part of the conservation area, which would protect it from ever being developed.

Tricia told new attendees that the Sq is the TRA’s responsibility. We own the lease and have to pay the insurance for which the Council reimburse us each year.

Action: Tricia to circulate email list to Tony so that he can send actions points to other committee members so that they can support the petition
Action: Michael Maloney will also reinvestigate why the TRA needs to cover the premium insurance on this.

7. AOB – Plans for meetings 2009
Tricia told the new officers of the outgoing officers’ plan for 2009 that we select 4 meetings per year which we target as key meetings and try to drum up real community involvement for these. While each meeting on the second Tues of the month would be open to all (unless designated as an officers meeting), there would be four per year which are to be flyer-ed and for which refreshments could be provided. The new officers and members agreed that this sounded like a good strategy for 2009 until we consolidate local support for the TRA.

Tricia also asked Michael Maloney how the question of the council replacing the TRA’s 3 damaged message boards was going. It was noted that getting these repaired or replaced was urgent business.

Action: Michael Maloney to chase council about notice boards

Marcus suggested that if we didn’t spend our surplus before April 09 that future funding could be at risk.

Many ideas were floated for how to spend this money – including resurfacing the Sq and building a gazebo in the centre over the destroyed mosaic.

Action: John suggested that everyone think about how they would like to see the money spent and email the committee.
Tricia to circulate the email list
Members to email ideas to committee for Dec meeting

9. AOB – Christmas Gathering
Abbas suggested to Michael Maloney that the council take initiative to occasionally get local TRAS together for social gatherings.

We also agreed that we have our own Christmas meeting and drinks in December

Action: Michael to contact other TRAs to see if they would like to get together for an informal meeting
Surrey Gardens TRA to circulate leaflets to tell about the new officers, how we will host meetings in 09 and also invite residents to Christmas meeting and drinks at the church

New Chair Tony adjourns the meeting.

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