Wednesday 24 November 2010

Learn about the history of our area

As many of you will know our TRA (in conjunction with Southwark Council and the Friends of Pasley Park) recently obtained a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to provide heritage signage, explaining the history of the area.

The Project Team responsible for developing the signage are very keen that the boards reflect what local people find interesting about the rich history of the area. To that end, there will be a series of consultation sessions providing opportunities to learn about the history as well as to input into the design of the boards.

The first of these consultation sessions will be held on Saturday 11th December, at 11 am, in Pasley Park itself - and will take the form of a guided walk about the area. For more information, e-mail:

Tuesday 16 November 2010

AGM Minutes - December 2010

Surrey Gardens TRA AGM 2010
2 November 2010

In attendance: Tony (Chair), Jo (Secretary), Cath (Treasurer), Ada, Andrew, Jeanette, Jenny, John, Megan, Melissa, Lawrence, Anne, Brian, Jean, Fr Moore, Nat Stevens (Housing Manager), Jason Reid (Local Area Housing Officer)

Apologies: Marcus (Vice-Chair), Sue

1. Chair opened meeting

2. Approval of last year’s minutes
  • Cath proposed the minutes of last year’s AGM be accepted. Jenny seconded

3. Chair’s report

  • Tony thanked everyone for attending and noted that it had been a busy year for the TRA. It was noted that getting local residents come to meetings continues to be one of the biggest challenges faced by the TRA
  • Despite this, Tony noted that the TRA continued to have many successes in 09-10, including:
  • The improvements to the ‘Lorrimore cut-through’, from the Cleaner, Greener, Safer funding awarded by Southwark Council;
  • A very successful summer picnic in the park – Tony thanked Simon and Jeanette for their momentous efforts in preparing the food;
  • Fixing the vandalised mosaic in the centre of Lorrimore park with paving;
  • Conducting an art project with the students from the John Ruskin school and erecting the art on the electric substation in Lorrimore Park
  • Working with Southwark Council and the Friends of Pasley Park to win £8,000 of Heritage Lottery Funding for signs in Pasley Park; and
  • Objecting to the planning application for proposed works in Lorrimore Road and agreement that the TRA will be consulted with regard to any exterior materials to be used
  • Unfortunately, over the summer there was some vandalism around one of the play areas in the park. This resulted in the park being closed safety purposes for a month over summer whilst the insurance was claimed and repair was completed

4. Treasurer’s Report

  • Positive balance, with £1000 due to come out for art project Cath reported that money had been received this year from the Tenant’s Fund, interest on the account and c£400 from ‘the Bill’ for filming in the local area. The council has also reimbursed the cost of the insurance payment for Lorrimore Gardens for 2009 as well as 2010
  • Expenditure consisted of refreshments for meetings and the summer picnic, the art project and the paving centrepiece for the park. After auditing, the current account balance stands at £3760.60
  • Jeanette proposed the accounts be accepted. Melissa seconded. The accounts were approved
  • Tony proposed we continue to use the same Auditor next year. Megan seconded. The auditor was approved

5. Elections for 2010

  • The old officers stood down
  • Andrew nominated Tony as Chair, Jeanette seconded and it was approved
  • Tony proposed that the TRA adjourn the nomination and election of Vice-Chair until the next meeting. Megan seconded and it was approved
  • Megan nominated Cath as Treasurer, Jeanette seconded and it was approved
  • Members nominated and approved: John, Jenny, Melissa
  • Tony nominated Andrew for Area Forum, Megan seconded and it was approved

6. AOB

  • Tony noted that there will be a Tenant’s meeting on Saturday 13th November from 9.30 – 4.00pm, with workshops and speakers discussing tenants services / funding. If anyone is interested in attending or more information, please let Tony know
  • John raised that the Garden in Carter Place is up for development, with the council having turned down two previous planning applications. For more information or to register any objections, please go to
  • Cath raised that the Southwark Group of Tenants provide local ICT training if any local residents are interested
  • Anne noted that there will be a walkabout with an artist tomorrow (3rd November) around Pasley Park to discuss options for an art project in the park
  • Tony informed the meeting that Jason Reid (the new local housing officer) conducts 6 weekly inspections of the local area to identify areas which require improvement. The next meetings on 10th December, 21st January, 4th March. Anyone wishing to join Jason should let Tony know

7. Next meeting

  • End of Year Drinks will be held at the Beehive Pub on Carter Street at 7.30pm on 7th December 2010

8. Thanks for Chair and close

Minutes - October 2010

Surrey Gardens TRA General Meeting 2010
5 October 2010

In attendance: Tony (Chair), Marcus (Vice-Chair), Cath (Treasurer), Ada, Jenny, John, Megan

Apologies: Andrew, Jo, Simon, Jeanette

1. Chair opened meeting

2. Chair’s report
  • Heritage Lottery Fund:
  • Tony is working with Southwark Council and the Friends of Pasley Park to complete a ‘permission to start’ form, and apply for the first 50% of the grant. The TRA will contribute £500 and the grant will be £8,000. Next steps are to draft a press release and community consultation, lead by the Cuming Museum, to see what people want to put on the two boards which will be erected in Pasley Park (location TBD)
  • Lorrimore Gardens:
  • The vandalised surface in the play area has been fixed and the park has been reopened. A Heritage Lottery Fund sign will be erected on the wall backing onto the church, in recognition of the previous award which enabled the installation of the play equipment
  • Cleaner, Greener, Safer grant:
  • Extra lighting is in place and trees are being planted next month

3. Treasurer’s report

  • There is approximately £3,800 in the TRA account
  • Cath has sent through the accounts for auditing and these will be ready for the AGM in November

4. AOB

  • AGM: Tony called for volunteers to stand for TRA committee positions. Please let Tony know if you have an interest in standing for a position. Tony reminded everyone of the importance of attending the AGM if you can – without a quorum (a minimum of 15 adults from the area), a new committee cannot be voted in and the TRA risks losing funding for next year
  • Ada noted that there had been squatters in 1 Lorrimore Square, but that the property is now up for Auction. Tony offered to follow up with the Council

5. Next meeting

  • Annual General Meeting, Tuesday 2nd November at 7.30 pm. This meeting will be leafleted, and advertised on the TRA website. Drinks and snacks to be provided

6. Thanks for the Chair and close

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Gym in the Park

The Friends of Pasley Park (Surrey Gardens) are intending to apply for funding from the Lottery Community Spaces Fund to install a "Family Gym" in the Park.

A "Family Gym" basically has some equipment similar to indoor gym facilities but will of course be free to use and will be out in the open in the park itself. The idea is for the equipment to be suitable for older children, teenagers, adults and older people.

In order to submit an application, the Friends group needs evidence that the community support the idea. If you would like to give your support to the application, please email saying as much. The Friends of Pasley Park would like to thank you for your help in getting this project off the ground.