Tuesday 14 February 2012

113a Lorrimore Road Trees Cut Down

The developers of the new homes on Lorrimore Road have cut down two trees on the left hand side of the plot.

One of these trees was deemed to be worthy of keeping during the planning process, although it wasn't a protected tree. The developer called Southwark Council to say that the tree roots had been damaged and that the tree was unsafe.

Unfortunately Southwark agreed and two trees have been cut down today. This is despite all of the TRA efforts to ensure the trees would remain after the development.

Southwark are insisting that a substantial tree is planted to replace the ones that have been cut down. We can have a say in what replacement tree is planted. But the deadline for the decision is 29th February.

What do you want to do? Would you like a meeting or an online discussion? If there is to be a meeting the most likely date would be a week from today - 21st February.

We need to act quickly and make our views felt, so please let me know via the website or reply to the email I'm sending to the mailing list.

On behalf of Surrey Gardens TRA