Friday 10 September 2010

Minutes - September 2010

Surrey Gardens TRA General Meeting
7 September 2010

In attendance: Tony (Chair), Jo (Secretary), Cath (Treasurer), Megan (co-Secretary), Simon, Andrew, John, Melissa, Ada, Destiny

Apologies: Marcus (Vice-Chair), Jeanette, Jenny

1. Chair opened meeting

2. Chair’s Report:
  • Picnic was a success; with special thanks to Jeanette and Simon who did an amazing job catering for all the attendees
  • Tony confirmed that there will be another newsletter produced before the AGM (November) and end of year drinks (ACTION)
  • Artwork in the park; all the artwork is now displayed on the electricity substation. Thanks was given to Sue, Simon, Emily and Emma for completing, and installing, the work
  • The Big Lottery Fund asked the TRA to complete a questionnaire regarding the funding that was given for the park 10 years ago. Tony completed this, and we have received a Big Lottery sign and stickers to put up in the park (ACTION)
  • Tony explained that the park has been closed due to vandalism of the safety flooring by the roundabout. An insurance claim has been made, and we will be liable to pay £100 excess. As soon as the insurance money has been received then we will instruct the work to be completed and then the park will be re-opened
  • Heritage Lottery Fund. A meeting to decide on the application is due to take place on 8 September on the Heritage signage. We should hear a decision shortly after that
  • There are new notice boards in Pasley Park, which we are able to use to put in TRA notices. Tony has the details and we will use this for the upcoming meetings
  • Cleaner, Greener, Safer. The work has started in re-development of the cut-through. The work on the lighting columns has started, and the tree surrounds have been completed. Two trees are due to be replaced
  • Development in Lorrimore Road. Tony confirmed that he had met with various councillors and attended a planning meeting. The development will continue to take place, but we will be included in the consultation regarding building material (e.g. bricks). Tony confirmed that as part of the conditions of the build is that no parking permit for Lorrimore Road will be granted, and each house will have one parking space

3. Treasurer’s Report:

  • We have approx £3,500 in the bank.
  • We have paid Sue for the Art in the Park, and have paid for the roundel.
  • £100 will be due for the insurance excess
  • Cath is working on getting the signatories changed on the bank account

4. Southwark Democracy Commission:

  • Helen Laker from LB Southwark attended to discuss ideas on how the Council can increase public participation and consultation
  • Helen shared some of the ideas received so far, e.g. changing timings and locations of current meetings, broadcasting meetings online, themed meetings, etc
  • The TRA group shared their thoughts with Helen, who will send the output to Tony for sharing with the TRA (ACTION)

5. Any other business:

  • AGM. Tony reminded the group that the next AGM is in November, and that to be quorate at least 15 adults from the area are required to attend. He asked that TRA members let him know when they are available during November so we can pick the best date
  • Tony said that all posts are available, and nominations will take place at the AGM. Tony asked that if anyone was interested to let him know
  • Tony to contact the council regarding 1 Lorrimore Square, as a concern was raised that squatters are currently in the flat

6. Next meeting – the next meeting will be held on 5 October 2010, 7.30pm in St Paul’s, Lorrimore Square; this meeting will not be leafleted

7. Thanks from the Chair and close