Thank you for visiting our Blog!
We have recently updated our TRA with a new Chair - Victoria, Vice-Chair - Oli and Secretary - Clare!
We have held three meetings, February, March and April and the minutes for what was discussed at those meetings will be posted in our minutes section on this blog (when I can figure out how to do that!).
A recent victory is that we have secured individual bike lockers for Forsythe Gardens thanks to the help of local residents - coming soon!
We have applied for funding for a local planting project and await confirmation - watch this space!
Current ongoing concerns raised and being followed up by the TRA are:-
- Anti Social Behaviour around Lorrimore Square
- Dog Fouling on the pavements
- Aggressive dogs
- Fly tipping
- General area cleanliness
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 6th May 2014 at 7:30pm in St Paul's Church, Lorrimore Square.
Please come along and support us - bring issues to our attention so we can help work together to improve our local area - together we are a stronger voice for positive action!