Friday 23 September 2011

Minutes - September 2011

Surrey Gardens TRA General Meeting
5 October 2010

In attendance: Tony (Chair), Cath (Treasurer), John, Melissa, Brian

Apologies: Marcus (Vice-Chair), Megan (Secretary), Sue, Natalie

1. Chair opened meeting

2. Chair’s report

a. Tony thanked those who attended the picnic for coming, in particular Cath (for organising the bouncy castle), Megan (for shopping and cooking), Natalie, Andrew, Sue and Tom (for cooking). Tony reported that, despite the weather, a fun time was had – with more parents accompanying their children than in previous years

b. Tony reported that his Stage II complaint to the Council is still outstanding. Tony to chase

c. Tony reminded the meeting that a charity had expressed an interest in moving into the unused garages below the new flats on Lorrimore Sq. Unfortunately, the latest news was that this would not now be happening

d. Tony reported back to the meeting that the first draft of the heritage signage had been fed back on, and redesigned. The new designs were shared with the meeting, with the following key points emerging:
i. Better to remove the map from the timeline
ii. Need to ensure we use ‘plain English’
iii. The lectern versions were well received – could both signs be produced in this style?
iv. Spell out “Surrey Gardens Tenants and Residents Association” in full
v. Remove all telephone numbers and web addresses, as these details age quickly (making the boards seem less relevant)
vi. Tony reminded the meeting that this was the final opportunity for the general public to input into the designs, and detailed next steps as follows: share the new designs via the website and wait for feedback. Share designs with Heritage Lottery Fund for sign off. Feed back any further changes to Browse Bion for a final, third version, to be produced. These will be signed off by the Project Team

3. Treasurer’s report

a. Cath reported approximately £6,500 in the TRA account – of which £4,500 is Heritage Lottery Fund money

b. Cath reported that we are currently owed approximately £2,000 in insurance money from the Council. Tony to forward a Housing contact to Cath to contact regarding the outstanding money owed

4. AOB

a. Tony suggested that the TRA pay Tim Norris to conduct remedial works on the animal statues in Lorrimore Gardens. Approximate cost £500. The meeting agreed. Tony to commission Tim Norris

b. Tony also noted that the gates to Lorrimore Gardens are in need of stripping and re-painting. Tony to look for a potential supplier to conduct the work and report back with a cost to the TRA

c. Tony reminded the meeting that the AGM is approaching fast. Tony will be standing down as Chair this year. New committee members will be required if the TRA is to continue

d. John reported that the ‘lay-by’ area on Lorrimore Rd is, once again, being used as a dumping ground. Tony to follow up with Housing

e. Brian reported that a Council official had been to Lorrimore Sq to inspect communal stairwells for fire safety. Tony to follow up with Housing on the outcome

5. Next meeting

a. October – actual date to be agreed. This meeting will not be leafleted, but will be advertised on the website and via e-mail

6. Thanks for the Chair and close

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