7 June 2011
In attendance: Tony (Chair), Marcus (Vice-Chair), Cath (Treasurer), Sue, Natalie, Andrew
Apologies: Megan (Secretary), Jenny, John, Melissa, Grahame, Alison
1. Chair opened meeting
2. Chair’s Report:
- Tony confirmed that the walkabout with the tree section of the Council had yet to take place. Sue volunteered to follow up with the tree section
- Tony has received a letter apologising for the delay in addressing the Stage 2 complaint regarding the Tenant Fund application. This is now due to be addressed by 1 July
- Tony confirmed that Browse Bion (http://www.browsebion.com/home/index.html) has been appointed as the provider for the heritage signage project. A Project Team meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 9 June, which Tony will report back on. It is hoped that first drafts of signage will be ready in time for the annual Picnic in the Park in July
- Tony has received contact from the Council with a proposition to convert some of the garages below Lorrimore Square into an office/sales space for a local furniture aid charity (Furniture Aid South Thames: http://www.furniture-aid.co.uk/). The charity currently has a warehouse in Oval, but now needs to relocate. The Council reports that the garages in question are not currently in demand. They also point out the benefits of having a space occupied and used versus not (i.e. potential otherwise for vandalism, fire etc). The meeting was in agreement that this was a sensible proposal, and in keeping with the ethos of the area – noting that it could also be of use to local Tenants and Residents. Marcus raised the possibility of well-meaning people dumping items outside the property as donations, which could swiftly become unsightly. Tony promised to raise this with the Council, and to e-mail out to the wider TRA group for further thoughts and issues
- Tony confirmed that Tim Norris (the sculptor responsible for the carved animals in Lorrimore Gardens) had been in touch to suggest that the sculptures require some remedial work. Tim suggested this would require approximately two days of his time (c.£500). Tony suggested the TRA should defer a decision on this work until such a time as the Tenants Fund has been paid from the Council. All agreed
3. Treasurer’s Report:
- Cath reported that the insurance money has now been paid, leaving £1,325 in the TRA account (not including the £4,000 HLF money). Cath will pursue claiming the insurance money back from the Council
- Cath confirmed that the Tenants Fund had not shown on the TRA accounts by the time of the meeting, but that this was now due
- Cath confirmed that, due to a missing invoice, the insurance claim for the damaged roundabout from last year had still not been resolved. The insurance company has confirmed willingness to pay upon receipt of an invoice, meaning a further £772.45 (less £100 excess) is also due back to the TRA
4. Any other business:
- Sue requested that the TRA hire a heavy duty drill in order to fix the art in the park that was recently damaged. Tony to liaise with Sue to hire on an appropriate day and Sue to purchase fixings, claiming back from the TRA
- It was noted that the demolition of 113 Lorrimore Square has begun. Tony confirmed that he has already contacted the Council around the further promised consultation regarding materials to be used, but has had no reply. Tony to try again
- Marcus to contact the Council regarding the graffiti that has appeared on the doors of the electricity sub-station in Lorrimore Square
- Andrew reported back from the Housing Area Forum. Several TRAs suggested that the Tenants Fund would not be paid for a year. Tony to check with Council Officers
- TRA Annual Picnic In the Park – it was suggested that the Annual Picnic in the Park be delayed by a few weeks, so as to allow sufficient time to plan. All agreed. Budget for food, wine and provisions set at £100. Natalie, Sue, Cath, Andrew and Tony to share food preparation and purchase. Tony to e-mail out tasks to all and to confirm availability of picnic tables with Fr Grahame. Cath to organise a bouncy castle
5. Next meeting: – the next meeting will be the Annual Picnic in the Park, to be held on Tuesday 19th July, from 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm in Lorrimore Gardens, Lorrimore Square. This meeting will be leafleted and advertised via the website and e-mail
6. Thanks from the Chair and close