Wednesday 6 April 2011

Minutes - April 2011

Surrey Gardens TRA General Meeting
5 April 2011

In attendance: Tony (Chair), Cath (Treasurer), Jenny, John, Brian, Melissa, Andrew, Natalie

Apologies: Marcus (Vice-Chair), Megan (Secretary), Alison, Trenton

1. Chair opened meeting

2. Chair’s Report:

  • Whilst not a TRA event, Tony thanked all those who attended for going to the Picnic in Pasley Park on Saturday 2nd – and reiterated thanks to Alison for all her hard work organising the whole thing. There was a great turnout, helped by good weather. Alison has confirmed an interest in helping with the TRA’s picnic in July

  • Tony confirmed that the Heritage Signage project for Pasley Park continues to be delayed due to the TRA’s main contact with the Council (Emma Longman) having, unfortunately, been made redundant. Tony confirmed that costs had been sought from three companies but, due to some of these not being able to supply a cost, the Council would have to approach at least one more company for a quote. Tony confirmed that a meeting is due to take place with the Project Team and Emma’s former manager next week (either Monday or Tuesday to be confirmed)

  • A local resident has e-mailed the Chair regarding potentially closing Lorrimore Gardens overnight, every night. Whilst the TRA agreed it did not have capacity to handle this via members, Tony did agree to approach Southwark Council about getting the park on to the rota for regular closure at night. Tony to action

  • Tony confirmed that, despite numerous e-mails to Southwark Council, there is still no news regarding the Tenant’s Fund for 2011. Tony informed the meeting that, ordinarily, the TRA would receive application papers after the AGM in November and that the process would typically be resolved by March. Cath suggested that some other TRAs had already reported receiving their money for 2011. Cath also reminded the meeting that the Tenant’s Fund is paid for by all local Tenants and Residents and that therefore, in effect, the TRA is simply asking for that money to come back into the community as is owed. Tony to follow up with the Council once again and report back. Andrew to ask other TRAs if they have received funding at the next Housing Area Forum, and to ask what support they might be able to lend to our TRA in discussions with the Council

  • 3. Treasurer’s Report:

  • We have £6,819.41 in the bank, of which £4,000 is Heritage Lottery Fund money

  • Cath reminded the meeting that insurance for Lorrimore Gardens is due to be paid next month – this would typically be paid from the Tenant’s Fund, which is now overdue

  • 4. Any other business:

  • There was no other business

  • 5. Next meeting

  • The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3 May 2011, 7.30pm in St Paul’s, Lorrimore Square; this meeting will not be leafleted, but will be advertised via the website and via e-mail as normal

  • 6. Thanks from the Chair and close

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