Saturday, 31 July 2010

Park Progress

For those of you who weren't around at the time, it may be of interest to know that around 10 years ago now the TRA applied to the Big Lottery Fund for a grant to cover consultation around, and improvements to, Lorrimore Gardens in Lorrimore Square.
The grant application was successful, and has resulted in the park we all see, use and enjoy today. Given the 10 year anniversary (or thereabouts), it's well worth acknowledging the role of the Big Lottery Fund in all of this - without whom, the park could never have been transformed. Big thanks, to the Big Lottery!

In other local parks news, Pasley Park now has brand new notice boards installed at the two main entrances to the park. They look absolutely fantastic, and are testament to the hard work of the Friends and Pasley Park. Just goes to show what can be achieved when a group of people come together and put their minds to something!

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Annual Picnic in the Park

Many thanks to all of you who came to the Annual TRA Picnic in the Park at the beginning of July! First year ever that we had no rain (almost...), which certainly seemed to help with turnout as the park was full of people. Once again the bouncy castle was a big hit, whilst the food and drink disappeared as quickly as it arrived.

The picnic was also the official 'launch' of the new artwork in Lorrimore Gardens - provided courtesy of the children at John Ruskin School, under the supervision of Sue. Hopefully you all agree that it looks fantastic, and has brightened up that corner of the park no end. If you missed this quarter's copy of Southwark Housing News, there is a piece in the magazine on the project. You can download it here (see the July version).

Hope you enjoyed the picnic - see you next year!

Friends of Pasley Park

The next meeting of the Friends of Pasley Park group will be held on 29th July, in the Pasley TRA Hall on Stopford Rd, SE17
Go along and hear what they've been up to recently