Surrey Gardens TRA General Meeting
9 June 2009
In attendance: Tony (Chair), Cath (Treasurer), Katy (Secretary), Marcus, John, Jo, Megan
Apologies: Andrew, Richard, Abbas, Jenny, Mary
1. Chair opened meeting
2. Chair’s report:
- Tony to attend CGS meeting at Manor Place to speak on behalf of the TRA to try and secure funding for our application
- There was a violent mugging in the cut-through between Lorrimore Sq/Rd at midnight the previous Friday. TRA members warned to be extra careful
3. Treasurer’s report:
- The insurance for the park has now been paid. Cath will look into getting the noticeboards updated
- Cath, having checked that the company has sufficient insurance, has booked a bouncy castle for the Summer Picnic on 14th July
4. Any other business:
- Flyers for the picnic were discussed – to be done by Katy. John would do the sign and Tony would do the food. John confirmed that Grahame has kindly agreed to loan tables for use during the picnic
- Historical boards were discussed. It was suggested that English heritage could help with suggested budget for this. Also of help could be: Friends of Kennington Park and the Museum of London. Katy agreed to investigate further
5. Next meeting – Summer Picnic, 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm, Tuesday 14th July 2009. The picnic will be leafleted and advertised on the TRA website
6. Thanks from Chair and close