Monday 13 July 2009

Which way to the zoo?

As many of you are probably aware by now (if not, read up on our local history here), Pasley Park (formerly Surrey Gardens - the location from which our TRA takes its name) used to, amongst other things, be home to a zoo to rival the size of the one in Regent's Park

Whilst the zoo has long since gone, Southwark Council are keen for us all to commemorate, celebrate and learn more about our local history through a series of events which will take place in the park over the coming months in honour of the 175th anniversary of the zoo. The biggest of these comes on Saturday 25th July from 12 pm - 5 pm, when the council will be laying on a number of things to do for all the family including:
  • Tours of the area

  • Animals from Surrey Docks Farm

  • "The Lizard Experience", courtesy of ZSL, London Zoo

  • Face painting

  • Punch and Judy shows

Plus lots, lots more. See Southwark Council's website for more details!

Minutes - June 2009

Surrey Gardens TRA General Meeting
9 June 2009

In attendance: Tony (Chair), Cath (Treasurer), Katy (Secretary), Marcus, John, Jo, Megan
Apologies: Andrew, Richard, Abbas, Jenny, Mary

1. Chair opened meeting

2. Chair’s report:
  • Tony to attend CGS meeting at Manor Place to speak on behalf of the TRA to try and secure funding for our application
  • There was a violent mugging in the cut-through between Lorrimore Sq/Rd at midnight the previous Friday. TRA members warned to be extra careful

3. Treasurer’s report:

  • The insurance for the park has now been paid. Cath will look into getting the noticeboards updated
  • Cath, having checked that the company has sufficient insurance, has booked a bouncy castle for the Summer Picnic on 14th July

4. Any other business:

  • Flyers for the picnic were discussed – to be done by Katy. John would do the sign and Tony would do the food. John confirmed that Grahame has kindly agreed to loan tables for use during the picnic
  • Historical boards were discussed. It was suggested that English heritage could help with suggested budget for this. Also of help could be: Friends of Kennington Park and the Museum of London. Katy agreed to investigate further

5. Next meeting – Summer Picnic, 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm, Tuesday 14th July 2009. The picnic will be leafleted and advertised on the TRA website

6. Thanks from Chair and close

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Kennington Village Fete

Kennington Village Fete is upon us once again and will be held from 12.30 until 4.oo pm in Cleaver Square (or in St Anselm's Church if wet).

With plenty to do for all the family, special events for children, items for sale and food courtesy of local Kennington pubs and Restuarants it's sure to be a good day out.

Fingers crossed for sun...!